
Ferberizing Kaylee

A little background on my chaotic Kaylee....she doesn't like to sleep. She's rather be up and seeing what's going on with everyone else. At least, that's what I tell myself that I don't want to admit the real reason she doesn't sleep - because I've spent the last 10 months reacting to her every cry at night. Holding her until she falls asleep, trying to feed her, letting her sleep with me in hopes that I could catch a few zzzs myself. And I created a sleep monster.

So after not sleeping over the last several months for more than 2 hours at a time. I started to lose my temper, pleading with her to sleep the other night. I gave up. I ran to the store the next morning and bought Dr. Ferber's book, and implemented the plan: essentially, to allow her to cry, but checking in on her periodically so she doesn't feel abandoned. This check in time gets progressively longer each night.

So night one - she cries for 40 minutes, and only wakes up once for 30 minutes.....and puts herself back to sleep. For the first time since my second trimester, I slept more than 3 hours in a row.

Night 2 - she cries for about a half hour. But when she wakes up in the middle of the night, her dad gave in and picked her up. She then was up every hour for next 3 hours. We took a huge step backwards.

Tonight (Night 3) - fell asleep in less than 15 minutes (yay!). I need to plead with her dad NOT to pick her up - if I'm awake when he gets home.

Overall, so far, I'm impressed by the Ferber method. I'm not one who can stand listening to her cry - but I just set my phone for the proper amount of times, hop on my laptop and look catch up on Facebook, Nest or all the other sites that I've only been able to pop on intermittently.

Off to bed for hopefully, another night's sleep!!


the chaos that is my life

my life is utterly chaotic.

my kaylee. my sweet, innocent, 10 month old firecracker who is not on any type of schedule. who has a temper when she's not fed immediately. who doesn't enjoy sleeping, at least when mommy and daddy do. chaotic kaylee.

my career. i'm a physician assistant who works roughly 50-60 hours a week at 4 different hospitals and take call on weekends. my patients can be crazy, the surgeries amazing and the staff is every adjective and more. my chaotic career.

my cooking. over the last year and a half i've been cooking more often and trying new meals with Adam - mostly borrowed from cooking blogs, Food Network, and various websites. sometimes they work out, sometimes i fail horribly by making novice mistakes that we end up laughing about while eaten ramen noodles. my chaotic cooking.

this blog will be a collection of chaotic tales of my kaylee, career and cooking. and my attempts at keeping it all in check. and hopefully, make us all chuckle at the chaos.